Saturday, December 8, 2007


So I looked up celebrity birthdays for December 8 and wasn't listed. What a joke! Still the company is good: Among the dead, Jim Morrison and Mary Queen of Scots, Eli Whitney. For the living , Kim Basinger and one of the Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher (I am too sophisticated to actually watch television, a known fact about this celebrity, except for occasional bouts of television bulimia, which being a form of self-abuse, is presently socially acceptable ).

I wanted to translate a wonderful piece from the French on the Web about Trash Culture but I neglected to download it and can't find it. Grrr. I remember being impressed by the notion that Trash currently dominates the Teen Web, the celebrities teens are attracted to being often over the edge, flunking out of rehab, living in hotels, doing time. Britney Spears is not loosing her career, she is the Queen of the genre. There is a French sociologist on such matters, Pascal Lagardière (teaches in Lyon).

My view: Teen culture is always a form of rebellion because, in their darn innocence, the young see the absurdities the old have cornered themselves up with. They want our approval but don't want to be like us, well not exactly, but are willing to try, but only with and for other teens etc...The judgement on the present status quo is clear: incapable of self control, irresponsible, and forget tasteful clothes, the hair is everywhere, does anybody ever co-ordinate anything?

What do I want to do with my special Day? There is a blueberry cake in the fridge, which makes a fine breakfast. If I lived in Paris, I might try for that exhibition on the forbidden where one can see works that were banned in the XVIIIth and XIXth century including such 'touching' things as a Marquis the Sade original manuscript: one can see his handwriting and gauge the man, wimp or artist. I'll have to settle for a trip to Sears for new underwear.

On the up side, Trash is dead as a live artistic impulse, because it has a name. The current in thing is media and communication related but has yet to gel. Fine by me, a part of my day is going to Prism, a new Web game, with many levels. I am also quite happy with parts of the Natural Resources Canada Web site and Natural Resource Council tie-in. Here is the night sky for December 8, 07 from the NRC.

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