Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Perez Hilton

I've been following the Britney Thing on Perez Hilton. One aspect that everyone is overlooking is that the young hip father, K-Fed, is actually taking care of the two toddlers while mom goes out for lunch in her Mercedes. Sounds progressive to me...

There is a very hot piece of music, which Perez picks up from U-Tube, Travis Barker playing drums over Flo Rida's Low. A great thing to do: making use of U-tube. Low is currently number one in the U.S., one of those perfect musical moments one can listen to again and again. The lyrics are quick-fire and undoubtedly hell to perform live. They are also cryptic but, one guesses, pornographic. It is a cardio workout to dance to.

I'm also a voyeur on the whole Carla Bruni romance with French President Nicolas Sarkosy, which is difficult to avoid. She's quite a good musician, with a pianist mother and composer father according to French magazines: her sense of rhythm is spot-on while she accompanies herself on guitar. There is a video of her smoking on U-tube and this might account for the very raspy quality of her voice. She has a child with philosopher Enthoven, a celebrity of sorts in a French context. His eldest Louise has put out a novel with a character reminiscent of Carla and some unkind affirmations: she has had a lot of work done and is completely plastic . The song lyrics are intelligent and I am a fan, but the perfect face is younger than the songs.

Three books are currently being published about the Presidential-ex Cecilia (real name Cecile). The classic complaint of the ex-wife: he never spent time with the children but for eighteen years always had dinner alone with his files. (Actually they were married for twelve: is she speaking for his first wife?). There is also a shock revelation: Cecilia wanted to run for office herself but the tugs in his entourage nixed the idea. She is not a happy camper!

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