Friday, August 17, 2012

Kristen S.

I’m having some difficulty not meddling in this Kristen Stewart so-
called cheating scandal. I really think this media feeding frenzy is a bit silly,
and to the extent that this is more than publicity, and the young woman is genuinely
shamed and distressed; it is all very unfortunate. 

Indeed, I am ususally thick-skinned about the goings-on in Hollywood.
I am old enough to have gone through 7, maybe 8 husbands with Elizabeth Taylor
and frankly, my dear, no big deal. He is married and you are not : his problem,

Actors are not in principle exempted from the behavioural standards that apply
to all, but then again, they are actors. They make a living exploiting their ability
to experience and express emotion. That things might spill over between work
and real life is to be expected. The environment might have a role to play here,
a gentle one.

Indeed, how did Kristen end up with a steady beau to begin with? He was a love
interest, from a previous film. If one film has the right to be jealous of another,
poor Kristen is going to have some unhappy career.

Musicians suffer in these matters as well. Dolly Parton once revealed that stuff happens
on the road, despite the best of intentions. «They hit up on you; you hit up on them».
That is spirit!

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