Friday, January 18, 2013


Thought for Today

If adding jam to toast doesn't make it less fattening, adding toast to jam isn't

such a good idea either. But that's where my thinking was going in trying

to integrate the notion of glycemic index: one mixes a high glycemic index

item with a lesser glycemic index one for a lower average. Not quite...

There is a little thing called the glycemic load of a meal, wherein one adds the

index valued items, weighted for portion, outright. One then aims for a daily

load value, depending on whether one is trying to lose, or maintain weight.

Harvard University, however, does put out somewhat enigmatic load tables:

What started these musings was a snipet nutrition consultation

in a French reality tv program about a chic weight lost clinic. The

young girl was told that if she wanted to eat yogurt and cereal together

for breakfast, the yogurt would have to be sugarless. Otherwise, fine.

This was so she wouldn't feel hungry before lunch...Eat less to avoid

So plans for a glycemic index application are currently on hold, because things

are perhaps more complicated than I had assumed. Wouldn't mind ten days at

that posh clinic, though.

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