Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ottoman Empire

It is a commonplace of historical research in the West

that world dominance shifted from Asia to Europe beginning in 1500 AD.

Two 'revolutions' are cited here: the dogged desire to open a sea route for

commerce toward India and China, in part because of monopoly condition over

land routes. This eventually led to the discover of America with

uncalculable consequences. The other was the capacity within Europe to embrace a scientific

world view, leading to the industrial model of organization. Interestingly,

this unity was an outgrowth of Christianity. Russia followed suit.

The concepts of 'Europe' and 'Asia' are themselves historical accidents. Herodotus

used Asia to refer to Asia minor and everything to the East. The etymology is Akkadian;

Asia is sun rise, and Europe sunset.

Asia saw the birth of much knowledge and many inventions: indeed this was its

attractiveness. Even vaccination, the first step to modern medecine, was first practiced in

China. It was a matter of luck: discovering America. And the alledged decadence of the East

ie the eventual elaboration of static social models, and the intolerance that these engender.


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