Monday, June 16, 2014

More Scramble

Been working on the other parts of the Scramble pset. The draw function is
straightforward enough, once one gets the ingenuity of placing the character in the
column loop. The other aspects just happen because the program has asked
for the initialize function in main. Draw then takes over to actually make things
appear. ( In fact, all this is eerily familiar, because this is the way XNA GameStudio
works. Now I get it...)

There is also a SCRAMBLE function to be defined. The idea is that the player can call
on this if he can't see any more words in the grid as it is presented. I have a working scramble, but not the one called for. Mine reverses the letters line by line; have yet to perform a true matrix flip,
which involves a vertical move at the same time. Tricky!



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