Monday, March 2, 2015

Just Saying

The behaviours that ISIS curently provide daily horror for news

and the internet and the label terrorist seems unavoidable. Perhaps it has become

a little too convenient. Because the Geneva Convention lays out at

length the expectations that - in an armed conflict - civilian and defeated fighters will be treated

humanely. And if World War II is a precedent, any resolution must include a foray

through its courts.

Holders of the short end of the conflict themselves might show some weariness

vis-à-vis these mechamisms. The winner writes history, as everyone knows. Yet that might not be

entirely true. What happened to German soldier prisonners at the end of World Ear II?

There is a story there, and it too is part of history's memory. In short one fights for a cause,

and the meaning of that struggle is part of its legacy.

I would be curious to hear a lawyer on this question, 'pour le cas qui nous occupe'. Give a llama a


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