Thursday, April 30, 2015

Debt Crisis

from: MSN finances
author: Olivier Wurlod
translation: doxa-louise


Does the recent explosion in Chinese indebtedness pose a threat to the world

‘Debt Crisis’. For many years, the expression has been in use in Europe and elsewhere.
Most often, with a direct allusion to Greece, considered  the deliquent from the euro zone. It is also invoked to describe the American situation, which goes from one shutdown threat (paralysed administration from a lack of a bufget accord) to the next.

Its applicability to China, however, is less obvious. It is justified, however, by the level of indebtedness in the country. According to a McKinsey report, out this year, the total Chinese debt (private and public) has reached 29’000 billion dollars as of June 2014, thus 283% of its Gross domestic Product (GDP). In compariosn, the United States, known for decades as the king of credit, are at 269% of their GDP.



What is most troubling about the Chinese debt is not the amount, because rapid growth and augmentation of overdrafts are linked, but the speed with which the country’s debt has grown in the last six years. «The heart of he problem is that the growth rate of the debt has become greater then that of nominal economic growth, explains Fabrizio Quirighetti, Chief economist for the Syz Bank. In real terms, this means that China is endebting itself more quickly than it is enriching itself».

According to a report from the Banque BNP Paribas, the popular model enjoyed in the Middle empire in the last three decades has reached its limits. «Making a parallel from our own situation, let us say that the country is now leaving its own Thirty Glorious Years of Growth and is getting ready to face the same problems as developed economies: unemployement, slow growth, massive debt, etc.», claims Fabrizio Quirighetti. «Growth will speeply decline, and the vibrant years of past decades are part of the past», confirms Jean-Pierre Lehmann, specialist in political economy and professor at the IMD (International Institute for Management Developement) in Lausanne.


Two factors are at the origin of this descent into a spiral of debt. The first is events in 2009. To counterbalance the world ecenomic crisis after the bankrupcy of Lehman Brothers and the fall of its own GDP, Peking put together a vast plan to sustain the economy. Thus, to come in aid of enterprises and local economies, China turns to printing money. In 2009 alone, the Chinese money supply increased by 30%.

Subsequently, while the world economy slowly came back from the Lehman Brothers choc, the Central Bank finally tightens its monetary policy. In order to avoid seeing a slowdown in bank credits, the Banks then go around the problem by creating a parallel financial system. «They exploited the weaknesses of the banking rules to transfer certain debts outside of their books and propose alternative financing products. These practices, called in China ‘shadow banking’, then developed as quickly as they are more lucrative and less controlled than commercial credit», explains Christine Peltier, analyst with Banque BNP Paribas. According to Standard and Poors, this alternative system of access to credit has experienced a growth of about 34% in China these last years, to reach 4500 billion dollars (against 75’000 billion worldwide).

Enough to artificially maintain Chinese growth these last years and result in the excesses which have led to the creation of a Real estate bubble. «In China, a great part of investments serve to build empty buildings, empty airports and autoroutes, useless factories», explained to Libération the American economist Michael Pettis. Some specialists foresee a coming bursting of what they consider «one of the greatest Real estate bubbles of modern economic history». Of note, when these latter burst ordeflate quickly, this never happens without some collateral damage, for one, with cascading bankrupcies and an explosion of unemployment.


To us to understand how such a potential crisis from the Chinese debt will or not impact developed economies. If some specialists consider the situation to be ‘out of control’ and that a Chinese crisis will be more devastating than the 2008 financhial crash of 2008 in the United States was, others are less pessimistic. «Knowing that China imports and consumes few american and European products (except in the luxury sector), I would prefer to face an economic crisis in the Middle Empire rather than a new financial meltdown from the United Staes», opines Fabizio Quirighetti.

According to BNP Paribas, while excessive debt results for three quarters of the cases in a major banking crisis, China should avoid this scenario. «The risk for a ‘systemic crisis’,prolonged and covering the entire financial sphere is much lessened by the abundance of liquidity (debt financing is occuring in a ‘closed system’) and the health of macroeconomic fundamentals (positive external trade, good financial health of the central government)», reads the conclusion of the bank report.

In opposition to Europe, which pursues belt tightening, Peking is going in the other direction. «There will be no austerity policy in China», tells us Jean-Pierre lehmann. In an effort to counter three years of slowing growth (expected at 7% in 2015) and to intensify local consumption, the chinese government is actively pursuing the risk of continuing wiht overdrafts. In the past few months, the Cdntrl Bank has injected tens of billions in the economy. it has also been using the classical tools of stimulation with lower interest rates and lower rates of stipulated reserves for banks.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Hacker

Watched an odd movie last night: Algorithm:The Hacker. I picked it up on youtube;
actually it showed up on my watch list. Didn’t know what is was, watched it like many
other movies I find on Tube, stuff nice people think I should be watching for the betterment of my soul.

Rather enjoyed it, it has a spell-binding rythm to it. Dystopian plot. Edgy young actors.What really surprised me was the women characters, who were lovely and fem mean, like real girls often are these days. How did this end up in a movie? The hero was gay and chaste. Odd and also true. And the politics all-out paranoia, and total surrender all at once; again frightfully real.

Turns out this totally pro film cost less than 9 000$ to make, and was meant for internet distibution. Out of San Francisco. New Wave, to my mind.


Things are not always smooth sailing chez doxa-l.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Colored Hair

I was surprised to find a bloc of colored hair on half my head, this morning. Wat...

Sunday, April 26, 2015


The severe earthquake recently experienced in Nepal should come as no surprise.
India meets Eurasia, and the Indian plate  is trying to go under the Asian one. This ongoing
confrontation is what created the Himalayas to begin with.

Experts predict this is far from over, but techtonic time is such that the big one might come
in some 200 years.

One can expect smaller aftershocks  for the immediate future.

source: le Monde

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Have to admit I'm a little mystified by The Interview. Broads take female hormones at
menopause. Guys might take male ones, non?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fifty Shades of Fun

So I finally watched the Fifty Shades of Grey - adapted from a work by E.L. James - movie yesterday. And I was pleasantly disappointed. In fact, I watched in two days: fifteen minutes - (till the commercial) - the first day, and the rest the second. Because who wants to see violence against women, really!! In fact there was no real psychological violence, which is the killer. And the sex scene violence was pure Hollywood, that is, suggested in an unrealistic way. And it was work for me to watch, because for someone well past menopause, sex-centered fiction is just plain silly.

Like mosty reviewers: Loved the music, felt it passed quickly (hated for it to end), and was wondering why the technology wasn't exploited. For heaven's sake, a mysterious multimillionaire in Seattle with a McBook!? More pointedly, Christian's game room was totally archaic and well beneath the current level of social intelligence. Wire that room, Christian. The folks at M are playing with all kinds of virtual reality...

Seriously, what is this movie about. Because women's romance fiction suffers from a central flaw: it is totally predictable, a foregone conclusion that the couple will live happily thereafter. The prose then has to create interest by flogging the old pleasure center of the reader, making her live through a successfull courtship. Which for women involves security and romance: she bargains her loyalty for financial security, he pays back with ...whatever. From her point of view: no more bad dates. Whew!

This is how the movie is more tame than the book, which put the accent on female desire. But the story is full of sleek decor and grand toys, like the helicopter ride. Lovely.

The character of Anastasia is quite likeable, and the actors perform well. I do not see that there was a lack of chemistry between the two protagonists, as many have argued. Quite the contrary, I could see them as a real couple, and a tight one at that. Indeed it sometimes felt embarassing, like a voyeuristic intrusion into the lives of one's friends.

I am definitely a taker for whatever comes next, because the storyline is sitting on two centers of interest: the psychologial issues that give the relationsship its hard turn, and the work context that might be feeding Christian's need for hard. A clever note: Anastasia is totally at ease in Christian's moneyed world, the very stuff of good soap opera. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Been working through an example from c# Head First, and think
I have finally understood the power of classes.

What the program does is simple enough. The user writes something,
specifies the number of repeats, and the program eventually returns
the length of the string thus created. What is at first surprising,
is that the button click method manages to extract the length without
coding for length as such.

The reason for this is that the Talker class we have created, whose
sole content is the BlahBlahBlah method - after popping up windows -
returns a string length. Clicking the button unleashes
the sequence of pop-ups and makes the length information available to
the third window.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


GO Le Vieux!

The CÉGEP du Vieux Montréal voted to end the strike, last night. It was an arduous
process, which involved first voting to adopt a secret ballot. Awesome piece of work!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Added a score function to Save the Humans - on the model of the enemy head -
thus on a stackpanel control.
The score goes up by one on a score variable every time a human is taken to target.
A subsequent line must be added to show this new score value; otherwise, who would know!!

The score variable is initially defined:
The score is set back to zero at the Start event handler:

The score is incremented every time a human is saved in the target_PointEntered method:


Bunny Time!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015


I've spent days with a an exception that wouldn't define itself: just kept telling me to
detach the debugger. Finally found the solution.

I had one quote inside the brackets, and one out. Have since resolved the issue.
A private moment in hell until I got the computer to tell me where the problem was...


The Montreal police has advised citizens to avoid the center of the city this afternoon.Sounds

For a view of the Student suggestions for the economy, see the below from French language CBC.
(WHAT happened in 2013!?)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Use Blend

My version of Visual Studio - 2013 - comes with Blend. One of the utilities on Blend
is the capacity to see the screen one has designed on different devices. 

Blend is accessible from a right click on the project file.

The interface also creates a phone file, so that one could work on a phone version with
the Emulator should one wish a phone version of the game.

On to the coding!!