Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The first three cubes were entered independently, and each needed
a different script to rotate. The top three cubes were created programmatically,
as well as their respective rotation instruction. The whole is scripted on the camera
so that these only appear when the game is on.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Homie

Couldn't resist giving a bust of Aristotle some colouring and an expression. That
was the original idea. after all, that the likeness of the person would remain.

Looks austere!?

*   *   *

On the work side, I now know how to add a script in a Unity project: the cube rotates
when I am in game mode.


Using the mouse on an object, while holding down Alt allows on to go for a better placement of an object in perspective view.

Channel9 tutorial, Coding4Fun

Getting Badass:


Saturday, May 28, 2016


In my quest to learn game development with Unity, been pondering something of a mathematical issue.

Like most game engines, Unity uses a left handed orientation system. My freebee 3D editor Blender, however, seems stuck in a right handed one.

So what is involved.

A right handed system has increasing z-values moving up.

 This is useful in modeling. Below, the default window in Blender.

The Unity interface, keeping the z axis running in the back, with the camera in the front:

The two systems are fundamentally different. In effect, one would need to swap the -y and -z axis.

Below, the short arm is -x, the long -y and the black -z.

There is a programming solution for images:

Things are more complicated for motion scripts, and users report all kinds of chaos on forums.
I think it has to do with the fact that affine spaces and vector spaces are not one and the same the same:

I have read that, Maya 3D, the very popular editor, does let one choose the coordinate system as a user preference.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Movie Maker

The Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal site offers a movie maker engine.

My CTC Movie

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Benn reviewing perspective. One point perspective has a vanishing point in the
center of the cube:

Two-point perspective has one on each of left and right:

Three-point perspective has a left, a right and here a bottom off the drawing:
                                                                            *   *   *
So here is a little brain teaser. What does the relationship between the lengths of the outer and inner square need to be so that one is indeed dealing with a cube. Once you are willing to give up on the question, read the commentary below.
3D graphics sometimes suffer from lost of depth, a topic one finds under
irreversible transformations. Could be that well, it depends on the distance the viewer is
from the artifact.

Liv'n Lurn

So I've downloaded Blender, yet again. One of these days...


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Unity Tut

The below belabored attempt at writing the initials to my name represents
a homework assignment in a Unity Game Engine tutorial. It is slow going but
I just know it is going to come together.

The top left is the work space, which I now know how to arrange with the Toolbar.
I am in isometric mode, rather than perspective, which lets me see what I am doing
from the front. The camera view is in perspective.

Two very important moves: zooming in and out with the mouse, so that the camera
sees things; getting the 3D orientation right, with the Z axis back to front, done while
the right mouse is down.

The letters are done with cubes, and the one cube(s) is duplicated and moved while
the ctrl button is down, thus moving and snapping in one increments. Cubes are
game objects and created from the top menu.

A lifesaver here, as with  Visual Studio, one can set position manually on the Inspector
window. It is here as well that one chooses the background for the camera...etc.

Glad to finally be using all that Vector Algebra and Visual Studio work!!



Below, two YouTube versions of the same chemistry demonstration. The
professorial fail in part 1 - adding hydrogen peroxide to the solution - in effect
avoids a highly exothermic reaction, visible in the second video.

And no wonder: hydrogen peroxide is a rocket propellant, and was used to power
torpedoes in the Second World War. Which seems to be the point here, the peroxide
which is two oxygen radicals together, is highly volatile.

As for the purple permanganate, this is due to charge transfer wherein - instead
of forming a covalent bond - only part of a charge is transferred. The molecule as whole
is more stable but in a highly excited state!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016


This is an issue for the elderly, I know: hair starts to thin out at various places. So I
solved it for myself with a home hair cut; I actually cut my hair without really looking,
but going on the feel of the weight of the hair on my head. (I washed and dried it lightly first).

The result is nothing outrageous, and it does feel right!!

Next Day


Saturday, May 7, 2016

McMurray Pets

Volunteers have started going into Fort McMurray to rescue abandoned pets.
The police had already given food and water to those found, without being able
to bring them out.


Friday, May 6, 2016


So, I've finally chosen to get a practical introduction to Unity by a French language tutorial series.
Did you know that - contrary to an app, which only runs when actively called - a game is running at 100 % CPU all the time? Things are being refreshed and recalculated 16 times per second and this constitutes the primary technical constraint to game design.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Awesome recipe for Sunday (mother's day), form  the Japanese:

For the how-to:


Europa for Kids

Found an interesting site on Europe for children. A lot of work
to get through this site, though.


That spider is fast as anything; I would suggest leaving him
in a dead end and only then, giving the focus to the
player and moving at a most leisurely pace...

Here, the spider is cornered:

Unfortunately, I failed to identify the language as Irish and forfeited the game!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Tomorrow's election for a new mayor for London - Boris Johnson will not be
a candidate - has risen awareness of the dirty money question in the city. Russian
activists run kleptocracy tours, showing the grandiose inner city buildings financed
by money of doubtful origin.


Monday, May 2, 2016


Think I might be giving game development a go, with Unity:


1 Year

Happy Birthday to princess Charlotte, who appears lovely and sweet natured
on her 1 year  photos.

Perso, I am something of a traditionalist for children's clothing, but I have seen
comments ( BuzzFeed) to the effect that the Royal children are dressed in an
incomprehensible, era-inappropriate way. Must they look like the 1940s, it is asked!?

Never one to refuse an invitation to shop, here is a little jacket from La Redoute
that looks pretty smashing.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Found a fun thing for the dieting woman: a figure simulator at various weights.

This is probably the wrong thing to do, but I love it. Because on the up side,
watching one's weight puts us in a family with really nice people.

Which is also why I enjoy reality shows on the weight-conscious. People who feed
their brains can write their own scripts!!
