Saturday, May 21, 2016

Unity Tut

The below belabored attempt at writing the initials to my name represents
a homework assignment in a Unity Game Engine tutorial. It is slow going but
I just know it is going to come together.

The top left is the work space, which I now know how to arrange with the Toolbar.
I am in isometric mode, rather than perspective, which lets me see what I am doing
from the front. The camera view is in perspective.

Two very important moves: zooming in and out with the mouse, so that the camera
sees things; getting the 3D orientation right, with the Z axis back to front, done while
the right mouse is down.

The letters are done with cubes, and the one cube(s) is duplicated and moved while
the ctrl button is down, thus moving and snapping in one increments. Cubes are
game objects and created from the top menu.

A lifesaver here, as with  Visual Studio, one can set position manually on the Inspector
window. It is here as well that one chooses the background for the camera...etc.

Glad to finally be using all that Vector Algebra and Visual Studio work!!


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