Thursday, November 30, 2017


Had a wonderful time, last night, with a group
of UQÀM students holding a benefit for l'AMDI
(which lost its leading patron last year, actress Janine

It was held at La Vitrola ( jukebox in Portuguese),
normally a bar and venue for live music in the
LePlateau area). But last night - after the
best of current house music - the stage was given
over to theater improv. High spirited, hilarious,
totally pro. I particularly enjoyed the one
about a deceased person having pre bought
the Black Friday funeral arrangement. But hey, that's
me. There was something for everyone...(the
fourth generation Italian  with Celiac disease!!??)

Thank you Lyse, for inviting me. That was an
awesome class project.

                        😂     😍     😎

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


It's worth repeating: the medium is the message.
The friendly, goofy part of life on the Internet has its place
even if things go pro with the demise of internet neutrality.
A lot of people are on phones, tuning in during long commutes
and what not. The internet is company, and it would be so sad -
chagrin - if we were to lose that.

Monday, November 27, 2017

That Pie

A matter of great controversy on the Net; did Sarah Sanders -
President Trump's Press Secretary - actually bake this pie, as she
claims. Or is this more Trump-esque hyperbole.

My take on the matter: she probably took the picture
herself; it is not centered...😁😁

In all seriousness, she could well have baked the pie herself.
It is burnt, darker on the inside rim, than in the center. This is
the sign of an occasional baker.

I'm not saying that she is not a good baker: that pie looks really good.
But the burn pattern is because the ratio of filling depth to pie circumference
has not been optimized. Someone who makes a lot of a given pie recipe
( a bakery) will come to work that out. The finished product will - eventually -
look picture perfect.

So much for that!

Royal Engagement

Friday, November 24, 2017

Mosque Attack

ISIS would like the jihadist project to succeed somewhere!!
Today's attack was not unexpected in Egypt, a country
with high youth unemployment (60 % of the population
is 15 - 29).

Fun with Time

Diferent JS scripts on the same page will generate two calls. But adding two get times will
only get the same call added to itself. The Gaussian Modulus 2 stays resolutely at zero
no matter how many times one presses run!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017


So I made the Epicurious Thanksgiving dessert for one last night. It was delicious.
Thanks, Anna.

Still working on learning React for Javascript. Noticed how it shows up in
a lot of effective code. Below, Nordstrom:

Below, asynchronous calls. Countdown to 9 am Pacific Time, US and Canada.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Work Day

It's snowing!! 👀

Taking the plunge on learning React. The difference between
React and React-native is that the second is for mobile, but otherwise
quite similar. Using CodePen to test the examples:

Monday, November 13, 2017


Not an earthshaking issue, I know; but this video
explains the difference between a random McDonald's
cheeseburger, and the appetizing product we see in

It has to do with showing opulence, making the
ingredients fall out of the sandwich (from the one side)
and doing a little retouching.

Makes one wonder...

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Conflict (AFP)

The fall in influence of ISIS seems to be creating a Cold War like
split between Iran and  Saudi Arabia . Yes, there is a lingering atavistic mistrust
Persians and Arabs in the region, but diplomatic relations were
cut in 2015 an conflicts in the region are along these fault lines. This seems to
have worsened since the coming to power of the Trump administration, more
openly pro Saudi although no one expects a true conflagration...

Saturday, November 11, 2017


Been trying to learn Node Js and React, to work
with Javascript games. Found this lovely Tic Tac Toe
where one can return to a previous stage of the game
(Here, I asked for move 4). The code is there, but I'm pretty tired.
Maybe tomorrow, I'll see it...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Great Burger

My local Super C supermarket had some large rather fancy
Italian hamburger buns on weekly special, so I bought some,
along with a can of tuna, to make a tuna burger for dinner.

The package on the buns suggested that, once the burger assembled,
one should wrap it in foil and put in on the grill for 5 minute.
So I did, in a 425°C oven. As promised, the bun became warm and soft on
the side, and slightly crisp on the outside. Even the burger was less stiff than
usual. A really good idea...

NK Options

source: Le Monde
interviewer: Harold Thibault
translation: doxa-louise

'In practical terms, then United States have but few

options on North Korea'


According to the Korean political scientist Cheong Seong chang, only
putting a stop to its oil deliveries by Peking to Pyongyang would be strong enough
to force the regime.

The North Korean issue is the central subject of President Trump's twelve day Asia
visit, who is expected in Peking Wednesday November 8. These last few months, he
has evoked both a military option and the possibility of a dialogue with Pyongyang.
For political scientist Cheong Seong chang, a specialist on North Korea at the
Sejong Institute in Seoul, the varied stances on Mr Trump's part do little but justify
Kim Jong un's quest for nuclear deterrence.

Donald Trump likes to remind everyone that all options are on the table with respect
to North Korea, thus also a military option. Is this realistic?

It is a quite unrealistic approach. The United States enjoy a remarkable intelligence
capability. Were Trump to make the decision, the United States can eliminate Kim Jong un
and most military leaders in North Korea all at once, because they know where they are
and what their movements are. The elimination of Kim Jong un is no problem at all
for American technology. But the United States could not control the ensuing situation.
We have seen this in Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was eliminated without this ending the
war, and again in Libya after the elimination of Mouammar Kadhafi. The surviving military
leaders could attack South Korea. And no one could stop the resistance of the army or the

Some researchers have suggested the option of targeting missile launch sites.
What is your opinion?

Ten years ago, the United States were already in a situation where attacking North Korea
was impossible. Under George W. Bush, the option of attacking North Korea was
studied but deemed impossible, because one doesn't know where North Korea is
hiding its weapons. There are many tunnels, underground installations, thus it is
impossible to destroy 100% capability before a counter strike. Ten years later, this
is all the more difficult.

North Koreans thus know that American grandstanding is without substance...

North Korea proceeded, in September, with a sixth nuclear test, and I believe
that Kim Jong un will continue testing long-range missiles. He will not stop
now, but absolutely wants intercontinental  missiles in his arsenal. I believe the
United States will eventually shoot down North Korean missiles, but they will have
to stop at that, and North Korea well knows this. In practical terms, the United States
have few options before them.

What impact on Pyongyang does it have when, in September, at the United Nations
rostrum, Mr Trump threatens to 'totally destroy' North Korea?

President Trump's threats lend credence to Kim Jong un's policy, his quest
to pursue nuclear power, they justify proceeding with intercontinental missiles
over the Pacific (as the country is menaced). But then even if Mr Trump were
not to speak in such terms, North Korea would nonetheless launch intercontinental
missiles, at bottom nothing would change. But it can today present its actions as
legitimate given  Trump's speech.

What could actually influence the choices for North Korea?

What North Korea fears the most is not the United States, but China. Up until now,
China has refused to completely halt deliveries of raw petrol to North Korea,
but if Peking were to decide on this, Pyongyang would be forced to alter its policies.
There has already been some change from China in the last months: China has
accepted to lessen the number of North Korean workers it allows in the country
and has diminished, for the first time, petrol exports to its neighbor. But China and
North Korea have long been allies and many Chinese paid with their lives in
the Korean War, so Peking cannot abandon North Korea all of a go. There has been
change but it is slow.

Many consider that, regardless of the actions of China, North Korea will not abandon
the  nuclear way, because Kim Jong un sees it as life insurance not to end up like
Saddam Hussein and Mouammar Kadhafi. Do you consider, from your point of view,
that the oil question can force his hand?

Quite. The country uses coal for its energy needs, but the army runs on petrol.
Because planes won't fly and tanks advance on coal. For industries, for factories, for
the population at large, coal is dominant. But to train the army,  petrol is absolutely
necessary. If one stops driving a vehicle for months, what happens then? It won't run
anymore. It is estimated that oil reserves for the army are for two or three months.
North Korea doesn't have much in reserve, and if China were to close the valves, the
army would be the hardest hit. But, it is an important source of support for Kim Jong un.
If the generals were to become discontent, their loyalty toward Kim Jong un, and thus
the leadership he can offer, would be seriously affected.

Tougher'n me!

Sometimes the translator gives up. It's peanut pidan - 
an egg dishand there is tofu as well. 😃


Tuesday, November 7, 2017


An argument for reading science fiction today can be made
more forcefully than before. It is a long-neglected part of literature, deemed
unimportant because it does not deal with the present or the past
but with the future. For not dealing with people and their emotions but with ideas.
No longer so.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Spherical G

An equilateral triangle on a sphere will have a larger area than in 2D.
Indeed, all of Spherical Geometry is dedicated to the mathematics of
spherical triangles.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


An often misunderstood tool in 2D is the color gradient.
In effect, this tool allows one to give lighting effect to an object
and suggest 3D.

Once transferred to Paint 3D, my 2d object gets used as a sticker on a 3 D ball.
To which I can add other stickers.


The additions to the emoji collection on the new iPhone: