Thursday, November 30, 2017


Had a wonderful time, last night, with a group
of UQÀM students holding a benefit for l'AMDI
(which lost its leading patron last year, actress Janine

It was held at La Vitrola ( jukebox in Portuguese),
normally a bar and venue for live music in the
LePlateau area). But last night - after the
best of current house music - the stage was given
over to theater improv. High spirited, hilarious,
totally pro. I particularly enjoyed the one
about a deceased person having pre bought
the Black Friday funeral arrangement. But hey, that's
me. There was something for everyone...(the
fourth generation Italian  with Celiac disease!!??)

Thank you Lyse, for inviting me. That was an
awesome class project.

                        😂     😍     😎

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