Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Henry VIII

I've been really happy with my meal schedule: breakfast at
10 am; main meal at 4 pm; light bedtime meal at 8 pm. Then I
hilariously found out who else had followed this diet: Henry VIII
of England. Yes, he was tall for his time at 6 feet, and fit as a young
man. But at middle age, he ballooned to 400 lbs. Drank 10 pints of beer
a day, and one bottle of sweetened wine. That'll do it.

The idea here is that water was unsafe to drink at the time, so people survived
on alcoholic drinks. This has to be a romantisized notion. If all pregnant
women had drunk, all children would have suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome.

One site mentionned that Henry didn't fancy fruit much except for strawberries,
but his women did. And his court had a juicer. That's better.

He composed a song. Actually, rather nice.

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