Friday, November 15, 2024



Sudoku; what is the minimum number of revealed tiles to make a Sudoku grid solvable?

The minimum number of revealed tiles (or clues) needed to make a Sudoku puzzle uniquely solvable is 17. This means that any valid Sudoku puzzle with fewer than 17 clues will have multiple solutions, while a puzzle with 17 or more clues can have a unique solution.

This was confirmed through extensive computational searches and mathematical proofs. Interestingly, there are many known Sudoku puzzles with exactly 17 clues that have a unique solution, but none have been found with fewer clues that still maintain a unique solution.

Are you working on creating your own Sudoku puzzles, or just curious about the math behind them?

What is the minimum number of clues so that a sudoku puzzle  is logically deducible without backtracking?

The minimum number of clues required for a Sudoku puzzle to be logically deducible without backtracking is still an open question in the mathematical community. However, it is generally believed that a puzzle with around 20-25 clues can often be solved without backtracking, depending on the specific arrangement of the clues.

Backtracking is a trial-and-error method used to solve puzzles by trying out different possibilities and undoing them if they lead to a contradiction. A puzzle that can be solved without backtracking relies solely on logical deduction, where each step follows directly from the previous one without needing to guess.

The exact minimum number of clues for a Sudoku puzzle to be solvable purely through logical deduction without any need for backtracking has not been definitively established. It varies based on the complexity and distribution of the clues.


Sudoku; do you agree that puzzles with a unique solution, and those deducible without backtracking are one and the same?

Yes, I agree with that statement.

Puzzles with a unique solution are considered "well-formed" or "proper" Sudoku puzzles. A puzzle has a unique solution if there is only one possible solution.

A puzzle is considered "deducible without backtracking" if it can be solved using logical reasoning alone, without needing to guess or try different possibilities.

It has been proven that these two properties are equivalent:

A Sudoku puzzle has a unique solution if and only if it can be solved without backtracking.

This is because if a puzzle can be solved logically, without guessing, then the solution is unique. Conversely, if a puzzle has a unique solution, then there must be a logical path to that solution, without needing to backtrack.

This equivalence is important for Sudoku constructors, as it ensures that well-formed puzzles can be created that are both challenging and solvable through logical reasoning.

Would you like to know more about Sudoku or logical reasoning?


Sudoku: are there any algorithms that can solve a well-formed sudoku puzzle?

Yes, there are several algorithms that can effectively solve well-formed Sudoku puzzles. Here are some of the most common approaches:

1. Backtracking: This is one of the most fundamental algorithms used to solve Sudoku. The backtracking algorithm works by filling empty cells one by one. For each empty cell, the algorithm tries all possible numbers (1-9) that comply with Sudoku rules (i.e., no repeated numbers in the same row, column, or 3x3 subgrid). If a number is valid, it moves on to the next empty cell. If a conflict arises, the algorithm backtracks to the previous cell and tries the next number.

2. Constraint Propagation: This technique reduces the search space by eliminating impossibilities before attempting to solve the puzzle. For example, if a number is placed in a row, it can't appear in the same row, column, or box. The algorithm keeps track of what numbers can still be legally placed in each empty cell, thereby simplifying the puzzle as more numbers are filled in.

3. **Dancing Links (DLX)**: This is an advanced method that utilizes a data structure to effectively manage the possibilities of filling in the grid. It is particularly efficient for solving exact cover problems like Sudoku. The algorithm uses a bidirectional linked list to allow quick removal and re-insertion of numbers.

4. Human Techniques: Many algorithms mimic strategies used by human solvers, such as:

   - Naked Singles: When a cell can contain only one possible number.

   - Hidden Singles: When a number can only go in one cell within a row, column, or box, even if that cell can potentially hold other numbers.

   - Pointing Pairs: When a number in a row of one box must also occupy a cell in that box’s column, it can eliminate possibilities in other boxes.

5. **Heuristic Methods**: These methods might include selecting the next cell to fill based on the minimum remaining value (the cell with the fewest legal options) or the least constraining value (choosing a number that leaves the most options open for other cells).

6. SAT Solvers: Some approaches use Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers to encode the Sudoku rules into logical statements. The solver then finds a solution that satisfies all the constraints.

Each of these algorithms has its strengths and weaknesses and may be more suitable for different variations of Sudoku puzzles or for puzzles of varying difficulty levels. For standard 9x9 Sudoku puzzles, backtracking combined with constraint propagation is often the most straightforward and commonly used method. 

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Play Free Sudoku online - solve web sudoku puzzles


For a leisurely test, one can move the puzzle to a graphics program, here Microsoft

Expression design.

The alter the number of clues, one is free to generate a solution board from yesterday's code

 and white out a large number of  entries...

                                                                       *    *     *

Solved the easy problem, and did it in a systematic fashion. Ketp track of the 

number of instances of each digit that was showing. I worked looking to place another

of the ones that had many out. That or, working in the sub grid that was the most filled. 

At the end, everything just feel in place...


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