Thursday, September 26, 2013

Girl Talk

It struck me recently that, increasingly, the columnists I read/follow and enjoy are women. Amy

Davidson at the New Yorker, H. Freeman at the Guardian, the left margin columns at the

Huffington Post. Just last night, I discovered that I was a cis female (look it up; it's worth the

giggle) from the Post. I was a bit taken aback, though, by the piece a young actress posted

on serial dating via 'Tinder', the hook-up app. Why would anyone choose such an ordeal

of first dates. I'm also not sure that texting your friends the date has begun makes it particularly

safe, just easier for them to find the body. Ceci dit...

I was also surprised by an opinion piece, in an Ottawa newspaper, decrying the shut down of

dowtown Ottawa businesses. Cinemas closing at a central shopping venue totally stumped me.

I remember trying to get into that; it was always totally crowded .Makes me think that culture

really has changed if the twenty something can't go to the movies (although movies are better

with people you know well).

So the fellow picks up the actress at 9:30, and she gets a cheese sandwich and a few beers for

dins, fun and within dietary limits. It was chivalrous of him to pay for all those taxis, but if he

needed to sleep a few hours before the date, the true question might be, what was he doing

the night before. Ever think about that one.

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