Saturday, December 14, 2013


from Le Monde, Sciences 14.12 2013
Brice Pedroletti (Peking corespondsnt) interviews Philippe Coué,
Shenzhou, les Chinois dans l’espace, L’Esprit du temps, 256p., 2013.
translation: doxa-louise.


Why this interest in the moon by the Chinese, while it has been abandonned for 
decades by the Americans and the Soviets?

Doubtless out of a political determination to inhabit it, where others were merely
passing through. Then, when one has established a permanent infrastructure, one 
can more readily set up experiments proper to the celestial body. In coparison to an 
orbital station, the installation proceeds more quickly. It is logistically easier.

A few weeks ago was inaugurated in Peking the first lunar base simulator, Lunar Palace 1, 
which will reproduce long-term settlements with four astronauts. Chines technical 
comunications have been elaborated for five years now toward inhabited lunar landings
with works on outing suits, lunar jeeps, rockets...Thus, to permit a inhabitation flight, one 
needs a rocket said ‘super-heavy’, such as th CZ9, forst mentionned in 2008 and clearly
in development today.

Why prepare both an orbiting lab and a lunar installation?

With the help of an orbital lab, the Chinese can learn to survive a long time in space
by perfectionning recycling protocols. For the moon, one wants to keep down the amounts 
transported. I think there is as well the notion that the Chinese station will take over from the 
International Space Station in 2020. At that time, their own station will be in operation, might 
be made bigger, receive other modules.

The Chines have declared themselves already open to international cooperation on the 
space issue. One can image that once iscipline to this model, they will reproduce for the
 lunar station. This sets them up on the inside track on a major program. The other possible 
justification for lunar bases is that the Chinese consider that dominance in the 21th century 
will go to that economy managing an extra-terrestial body. Recent editorials have made the 
case that ‘China could legitimately pursue the work of pioneer nations’, as the inheritor of the 
two superpowers of the past century.

What can China hope to gain from such a program?

When one manages very complex operations such as sending men into space or a vehiule 
capable of landing, one is making show of a high degree of organization. This proves the 
mastery of a set of advanced technologies, and projects the image of a very modern country.

This type of program also serves the objective of national cohesion. it is a way of showing 
within the country that China has attained a high level, that the party has held its promises. 
It also serves to chanel energies around technological progress. Demonstrating such prowess
 also helps bind the best Chinese students, otherwise tempted to flee, and even attract others. 
In any event, the arrival of Chang’e 3 on the moon marks the beginning of operations leading to 
China decidedly occupying our celestial neighbor.

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