Sunday, January 25, 2015

Movie Time

Totally enjoyed the One hundred year old man... movie. As the
box said, not suitable for children. I was disappointed  it didn't
make the Oscar nominations as Best Foreign Film ( It is a Swedish movie).
Totally charming.

I particularly chuckled at one of the corpse jokes: ..., that could have hurt.
Sometimes it's a good thing to be dead. Seemed timely, somehow.

But seriously - because it is a terribly serious funny film - we trample through a century
with a narrator with a dynamite habit, likes to blow things up. (Alfred Noble, of Noble prize fame,
was a Swedish chemist and arms maker who invented dynamite).

And our hero, Allan Karlsohn,  no peacenik but the consciousness of a Godless century
where things are what they are.

I remember learning that Sartre had refused the Noble prize for literature during my studies,
for a set of elaborate reasons, and thinking the man was such a poseur. Need to look at that again...

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