Monday, January 26, 2015


It’s actually very odd to watch this massive snow storm hitting New York and Boston,
and nothing here. Makes one realize how serious global warming is. In effect,
New York is now going through the big sloppy wet-kiss storms we in Montreal used to know; 
I recognize the look and feel from pictures. That is because the jet stream is running lower. 
We in Montreal are stuck in bitter cold, can’t walk home from the supermarket with lettuce 
because it will freeze. Not a warming for either, but a cooling as weather events become 
more extreme albeit short-lived.

It used to be funny, how Americans with a little snow were so ill prepared. We in Canada
have ample supply of snow removal trucks of monstruous size while to this day New York is
making do with shovels on the front of garbage trucks. No wonder they have to shut down everything. 
But it isn’t so funny anymore and the fact that the Eastern Seaboard is so heavily developed does 
mean that everyone has to be ordered off the roads periodically. Hard for me to imagine; Boston is 
so heavily congested like, all the time.

The novelty hasn’t worn out yet, but another bout of Sandy-like flooding: I shudder to think. 
And sweet little St-Jean sur Richelieu has an ample snow-removal budget and a hair-raising 
municipal tax structure to match. Not a good omen for New York, which good-naturedly likes 
to entertain hyperluxurious city spaces. Expenses are best considered head taxes, but who can
afford that at this stage. Those merry twitter politicians have some fig’ring to do...

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