Wednesday, December 16, 2015


How to say it: the 65.5 inch average female from the previous post might belong to a particular affluent demographic. Certainly the large influx of Latino women into the US population is shorter than that. Why mention it? Actually the issue is of some importance to the clothing industry. No one dresses all women, but individual brands have to know their clientèle.

Although, increasingly, the move within fashion is toward Fall-Where-They-May clothes, not altogether an aesthetic, but also a convenience for the industry.

And then there is the age question. Who cares? Below, a picture I took for my December 8 birthday. I am not a young woman, but I do not particularly signal age with my clothes. I dress for comfort although, to this day, I feel dressed down if I am not in a proper dress. And I rarely wore pants to the office. To put it succinctly, one dresses more modestly with age.


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