Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I have been methodically listing my meals on My Fitness Pal, and after one
week, have dropped one pound. Well, not really; I'm converting from metric,
and I am down 200 grams, which by the play of decimals, gives me a one pound
victory over the fat. Not much of a result, many will say.

But the discipline of using the app has given me one stable week without
weighing myself, and all the drama that weigh-ins entail. It has also showed me
an unexpected aspect of my diet. I am, virtually everyday, a good girl on calories,
but a beast on sugar. Yes folks, those sugar totals are in the red. I always assumed -
and bragged - that I was on fresh fruit and veg, and thus on a low sugar diet: a
bare-faced lie.

I made oatmeal for breakfast today, not really on my favourites list as I am eating
it clean, with a bit of milk and banana. Tweak on!

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