Tuesday, June 21, 2016


No doubt about it, those Eurocrats working out of Brussels can be
pretty - excuse me the expression - galling. Belgium was the original
homeland of the Francs, not today's France, and the symbolism is there.

Strasbourg as the seat of the European Parliament is a bit better. It is
located in Alsace - Lorraine, the historical region of much conflict between
France and Germany... A sort of sharing that peanut butter and jelly

On the question de fond, the deeper problem, an Oxford University professor 
has commented that what is at issue for Britain is nothing less than the supremacy
of Parliament. Which for the British is inviolate, the very cornerstone of democracy.
Here, hard to judge at a distance what the precise hold-up is. Perhaps the European
Parliament needs to be shaken up, given more  life as a Parliament than a place for
pretty speeches.

There is no doubt that the creation of a common currency was and remains
desirable for Europeans. Which might be why the administrative authority of
Brussels is iron-clad; they go hand-in-hand. And there is continuing squabble
about in whose favour monetary policy plays, exporters or importers. So that the
mirroring of eventual integration might be working to soothe a few frayed nerves.

My hunch is that, so long as Britain maintains a distinct currency, and given the
importance of the City, it would be in the good for all if it became more involved
on financial questions. Yes, I've said it, some sort of new body dealing  with common
research and policies for economic harmonization. As I like to tell myself when
shopping for clothes, if I don't buy this outrageous garment and wear it proud, who

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