Friday, February 24, 2017

Pizza, Pizza

BuzzFeed UK has been having a little fun about Canada and pineapple
pizza. Even our PM has joined in to defend the dish, claiming it is okay.

Well, no, it isn't. Pineapple pizza is prison food: everything mashed together
on a single tray, meant to be  consumed hurriedly together. In point of
fact, the pizza comes first, the pineapple next. And that pineapple isn't a true
dish but a trou normand (literally a Normand hole). One should getting a bit of
pineapple with hard alcohol, to rest after the main course, and find a new appetite
for what is to come.

So what is this trou Normand. The notion here is that every alcohol
consumed at the beginning of the meal should be appétif, ie appetite giving.
The trou is a rest after that course. And what comes after is an entremets -
between star foods - (perhaps a flan, or an ice cream, or
even nuts), and finally dessert (dé_sert, to un_serve, the very last thing eaten).
This could be a grand cream-filled concoction, or cheese, depending on
what one has chosen beforehand. The drinks here are sweet and help digestion
How did we get confused in all this: probably, a mixing of culinary traditions.
French grand dinners were buffets, and the convive could decide how much,
indeed whether to consume this or that. English traditions are table-based with
servants. And the idea of food and wine pairings is, how could I put this, odd.

sources: French language Wikipedia (see service)
Ricardo, for the trou Normand

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Elle France shows a discreet version of the said pizza, no tomato and presumably
no garlic. Looks not too bad.

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