Wednesday, February 1, 2017


The health recommendation with respect to dietary fiber
comes down to : 5 fruit and veg per day, and 6 servings grains. The
adult who meets this requirement need not worry about soluble (assimilated) versus
non-soluble(not assimilated) fiber. Yet, it is still an interesting issue.

Soluble fiber is broken down in the large intestine. Digestion in the small intestine
is the work of enzymes (proteins), and is called chemical digestion. There are no
enzymes in the large intestine; rather it is gut bacteria who feed on soluble
fiber to reproduce themselves. In turn, they release biotin to the body.

The presence of fiber in the small intestine moves things along so that residual
poisons do not stay in the body too long. Fiber in the large intestine - whose mechanical
job is compacting waste into feces - helps maintain an optimal Ph level.

Although one might find various lists for soluble and insoluble fiber - with some foods
appearing in one list then the other - in point of fact, foods tend to contain both
at the same time.

Biotin is a B vitamin essential to metabolism. Biotin defiency is rare, but those
who might run low are active children, and athletes. Formerly known as Vitamine H,
it was recognized as the hair and skin vitamin; it stops hair from thining out!

source: Wikipedia

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