Sunday, March 1, 2020


I often pick up recipes from the Web thinking I'll make them in the future;
I rarely do. But today I stumbled on a recipe for a savory cake that seemed like
just the thing to cope with winter blues. Below: eggs, yogurt, cabbage, onion and
parsley. It turned out fine, and I had some with cheese and salad for dinner, with
a few Julienne fries thrown in.

Familiar ingredients, but seemed new anyway. 😏

                                                        *     *     *

So I pretty much followed the recipe, but omitted the garlic. I also
used red onion whose sweet taste is rather nice cold, for example
in Greek Salad. 

Am planning to put thin slices in the toaster, and have them with Maple Syrup
later this morning for breakfast.

Weird but nice! Like being in a sandwich and dessert loop...

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