Thursday, February 24, 2022


 Found an interting article on doing a cut, yesterday. This practice

is actually one followed by athletes, but we can all learn from it

as we prepare for Spring and Covid restrictions lift.

I was also motivated by the sample diet to get some Skyr, a yogurt

from Iceland which is low-fat but also high-protein. It is actually

denser than Greek yogurt and - from my reading - enjoyed in 

Iceland as a dessert treat where the consumer decides on the cream,

fruit and brown sugar to add, a bit like individual taste in coffee!!

                                      *     *     *


Published on 02/09/2022 

author: Ingrid Haberfeld

in collaboration with Lydie Gaougaou (sports and nutrition coach)

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

How and why  do a cut?

Doing a cut consists of burning your fat mass while maintaining your muscle mass. How to achieve this? Which diet to adopt? Which sports should you prefer? Answers from Lydie Gaougaou, sports and nutrition coach.


How to cut?

What are the foods to favor for cutting?

What are the foods to avoid?

What sports to practice in a cut?

What are the precautions to take?

What sports to practice in a cut?

When athletes want to make their muscles stand out more, they often opt for the same solution: cut! " This consists of adapting a specific diet and training in order to reduce their level of fat mass located just under the skin without altering their muscle mass ", explains Lydie Gaougaou. The result is a better drawn silhouette.

How to cut?

Practicing a cut requires altering your diet, which will become:

Hypocaloric (contributions must be reduced by 15 to 20%) to cause weight loss;

Hyper-protein so as not to melt muscle capital: if, in normal times, protein needs are between 1.2 and 1.6 g/kg/day, during the cut period you can increase this to between 1.8 and 2 g/Kg/day.

" Lipids must also be reduced, but they are not banned for all that: the intake should be around 1g/kg of body weight, or even 0.5 g at the end of the cut, specifies Lydie Gaougaou. It is also recommended to favor unsaturated fatty acids to the detriment of saturated ones ".

As for carbohydrates , if their consumption must also be reduced, favor those with a low Glycemic Index to avoid peaks of fatigue and improve your recovery. Fruits are rationed at 1 to 2 per day, green vegetables are, for their part, to be consumed at will because of their low caloric intake and their richness in satiating fibers. " Finally, hydration plays a crucial role: it is recommended to drink more than usual, to maintain a suitable level of hydration and fight against water retention ", recommends our expert.

On average, during a cut period, an athlete can lose between 500 g and 1 kg per week. To measure your results, an impedance scale can help you know your fat mass and lean mass rate thanks to an electric current sent through the body. “ Choose a scale with handles so that the flow passes correctly throughout the body, thus allowing to obtain more reliable data , advises Lydie Gaougaou. Taking measurements, in particular that of the waist circumference will also be a good indicator of your cut ".

What are the foods to go for during a cutting?

Meats and fish. Defatted ham, skinless poultry, fish, seafood, red meat with 5% fat, eggs (especially white);

Cereals and legumes. Brown, wholemeal and basmati rice, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, oatmeal, lentils, soy and tofu;

Dairy products. Skyr, light cottage cheese;

The fruits. None is forbidden, but at the rate of one to two per day;

The vegetables. All are permited and at will, especially green vegetables;

Fatty substances. Vegetable oils, oleaginous fruits;

For drinks. Water only.

What are the foods to avoid?

On the other hand, all sweet foods such as biscuits, cakes and pastries and jam are to be banned, as well as prepared meals, refined cereals and alcohol.

Sample one-day menu

Breakfast . A bowl of oatmeal, a skyr, an egg and an orange.

Lunch.  Grated carrots with a drizzle of rapeseed oil, turkey breast, green beans, wholemeal bread

Snack . A white cheese with 0% fat, a handful of almonds.

Dinner . Salmon en papillote, quinoa, tomatoes à la provençale, fromage blanc.

What sports to practice during a cut?

During the cut period, it is useless to modify your training since the goal is to preserve your muscle mass as much as possible: you can therefore continue your sessions with the same loads and the same number of weekly sessions. " The training program can also include, at the start of the cut, HIIT (High Interval Intensity Training) sessions  which consist of alternating high intensity cardiovascular exercises for a short period and recovery phases, before switching, in end of the program, to low-intensity cardio sports, such as walking, to protect against physical fatigue ", recommends Lydie Gaougaou.

                                                 *     *     *

I ended up buying a vanilla pre-sweetened Skyr tub, to ease into things.

Made Travis S. junk bowl with fruit, Rice Chex, milk and granola, cottage cheese, 

high-fat vanilla yogurt and Skyr. Rather nice😊

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