Worked through Codemy's numpy4.
American firefighters are surprised by our firefighting approach: long
story short. Canada has really BIG fires...
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From 1977;how could I have missed this:
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BREAKING NEWS: Physicists Have Detected The Background Hum of The Universe : ScienceAlert
source: Liberation and AFP, Published today at 8:21 a.m.
translation: BingTranslate/doxa-louise
Highway 103 through Nova Scotia, Canada, ravaged by fires. (Nova Scotia Government/AFP)
From East to West, Canada is in the grips of an exceptional fire season even though the high point of summer has not yet been reached. No province is spared, not even Quebec or Nova Scotia, which are usually spared.
A total of 490 fires were still burning on Tuesday, June 27, more than half of which were considered out of control. At the beginning of the season, at the beginning of May, it was Alberta in the West that focused all the worries by being confronted very quickly with an unprecedented situation.
Then a few weeks later, Nova Scotia, an Atlantic province with a very mild climate, and Quebec were in turn caught in megafires. It is now the latter province that is the most affected with 112 active fires.
In total, more than 100,000 people have been displaced.
The mark of six million hectares burned was crossed on June 19, only a week ago. On Tuesday, that of eight million hectares (7.8 million) was almost reached, an area equivalent to the whole of Austria.
In Nova Scotia, near the town of Shelburne, in the forest devastated by forest fires. (Nova Scotia Government/AFP)
In Quebec alone, 1.3 million hectares have been burned, compared to an annual average of less than 10,000 over the past ten years. The areas burned in 25 days already exceed the totality of those recorded in the last twenty years combined.
Annual record carbon emissions
Carbon emissions from the fires have already surpassed the Canadian annual record, according to Europe's Copernicus Observatory. These 160 megatonnes of carbon released into the atmosphere represent the equivalent of approximately 590 million tonnes of CO2, or 88% of Canada's annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2021.
Canadian fires alone in 2023 currently account for more than 10% of global carbon emissions from forest fires in 2022 (1,455 megatonnes).
These gigantic fires emit plumes of smoke visible from space. Thanks to the atmospheric circulation at high altitude, these ash clouds are moving across the planet, carrying them towards Europe since the beginning of the week. Microdust in very large numbers in the upper atmosphere could veil the sun and see the sky take on a milky color. The phenomenon is comparable to large episodes of pollution, with a "smog" enveloping the cities.
The CPI for May in Canada was at 156.4.
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Numpy with Codemy 2:
Switching languages was easy on Windows 10. One asked for French
and one could use the on-screen keyboard widget to type words with
accents. Different kettle of fish on Windows 11.
Still change the language, only know one needs to - from the default keyboard -
right-click and hold the letter one wants to accent. Naming my new Crêpes
recipe was a struggle.
Waiting for the wind to turn; which should make things a bit more breathable!!
Beautiful sunny day but the air quality is not good. Currently:
This is government of Quebec data. The link:
Decided to not rush things, and go through the Codemy explanation
of numpy for machine learning. There are ten vids, and the code is below.
Planning to run it in Google Colab with notes for myself...
numpy_youtube/ at main · flatplanet/numpy_youtube · GitHub
I don't know why, but I can only activate Colab from my more recent
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It's La Fête Nationale in Quebec, but not looking promising for the usual
fireworks tonight. It's a rainy day...
As for tomorrow, we have been warned that Sunday will be a smog day from
recent fires in Western Quebec.
A restful holiday, then, rather than a party one.
Enjoyed a little Rameau this morning, from Les Indes galantes:
Been trying to familiarize myself with PyTorch, with Codemy PyTorch3.
At this point, all a little confusing but it is a learn as you go experience...
The thing to remember: reshape came after view.
Contiguous memory is not always possible!
Bill C-22 has finally become law, at the very end of this Parliamentary session.
We won't know what May 2023 inflation was, in Canada, until June 27.
Codem's Pytorch2 introduces the notion of tensor. A tensor looks like
a numpy array, but it is accessible to a GPU rather than a CPU, and
is immutable. The central processing unit does sequential computations;
a GPU, Graphical User Interface has thousands of core and computes in
parallel. NVIDIA's CUDA platform harnesses the GPU to do
Deep Learning Tasks. PyTorch has scrores of functions that are callable on
a tensor.
Codemy is a life-changer for me. I completed the first video tutorial
on Pytorch, and am now set up 'like a pro' to work on. I work in Google
CoLab, I have a free GPU to accelerate things, and I save my work on GitHub.
Oh yeah!
Been trying to make sense of the Sargassum problem currently
hitting beaches on the south Atlantic coastline. Woke up this morning
with a flash that I had cracked the core problem: Sargassum Spread may
not be a Climate Change problem; it is a pollution problem. Those masses
on the shores are full of plastic!!
Is the presence of plastic what accounts for the persistance and enlargement
of what is essentially a marine ecosystem. I would be curious to know what
is going on with it in the Atlantic,,,because we may need to intervene in a
very serious fashion.