Monday, June 12, 2023

Bard is not officially available in Canada yet. But it is possible

to access it in another country -here, the US -with a VPN, Virtual Private Network. 

(Bing/Chat found the info for me...🙂). Browsec is a free Chrome extension that can 

be installed from their site.

Important to note, though, that Bard is still an experiment, and everything that is

generated is sent to Google.

I asked the suggested prompt of  activities for my work-team, for a run -through.

How to access Google's Bard AI in Canada (        



                                                                  *      *      *

Bard didn't know who William Shakespeare was; but it did a great job on

the works of the English poet William Shakespeare:


The one play I would have liked more about - King Lear - was the least described.

Asked Bing/Chat what the story arc for King Lear was. Got generalities, but the true find 

was the following link, which finally helped me make sense of the complicated plot.

King Lear (

Bing also gave me a reference to find a famous passage, where the mad Lear

rants on in a storm alone with his fool...


        Chill afternoon!!                                                    

*     *     *

Asked Bard for a joke, earlier in the day:



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