Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Today's Events

 Busy day, today, for decision-makers. The US Federal Reserve to announce its decision

on the Bank rate(at 2 PM). They are widely expected to hold things as they are, after

myriad rate hikes, because  inflation is slowly coming down...

                                               *     *     *

2:30PM:  Holding the rate steady, for now; might have to tighten, later.

                                               *     *     *

Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Benefit, is scheduled to go before the House

of Commons today, because the Senate added amendments to it. If that passes,

the count is on and the Benefit should be rolled out within a year. 

Interestingly, if the House refuses the amendments, it is up for Senate approval

as is. What is the amendment about: it will be recalled the original idea was to

make the disabled no worse off than the elderly. The Senate wants to see medical benefits 

continue once a disabled person reaches senior status. Sounds reasonable enough;

one is still disabled once one is older. But statistically, the disabled often have

shortened life expectancies because of their disabilities so the bill was targetted for

a specific job... Let's get this done. We are all getting older 🤔!


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*     *     *

Something odd seems to be happening, here. If I click on any of the Amazon

ads below, I end up on a bing search page. is this normal ‽




Read about the difficulties, yesterday, with Amazon Web Services. They host, among

other things, Common Crawl used by researchers and chatbots...

Maybe only Facebook ads get a direct link:



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