Sunday, October 6, 2024




Both Joseph-Louis Lagrange and Pierre-Simon Laplace made significant contributions to Newtonian celestial mechanics, enhancing its mathematical rigor and expanding its applications.

Lagrange's Contributions:
Lagrangian Mechanics: Lagrange introduced the Lagrangian formulation of mechanics, which reformulated Newtonian mechanics in a way that emphasized energy concepts rather than forces. This approach is based on the principle of least action, allowing for the derivation of equations of motion from a single scalar function (the Lagrangian).

Celestial Mechanics: Lagrange made contributions to the stability of the solar system, including studying the motion of celestial bodies and the perturbations caused by their gravitational interactions. His work on the three-body problem led to the discovery of Lagrange points, positions in space where a small object can maintain a stable position relative to two larger objects.

Variational Principles: By using calculus of variations, Lagrange formulated principles that describe dynamical systems, further unifying mechanics and enhancing its mathematical structure.

Laplace's Contributions:
Celestial Mechanics: Laplace's landmark work, "Mécanique Céleste" (Celestial Mechanics), extended and consolidated the work of Newton and Lagrange. He began formulating a comprehensive mathematical treatment of gravitational interactions among celestial bodies.

Stability of the Solar System: Laplace conducted extensive studies on the long-term stability of planetary orbits, providing rigorous mathematical proofs of stability under celestial perturbations, and laid the groundwork for understanding the orbits of planets and moons.

Laplace Transform: Although primarily known for his contributions to probability, Laplace's work in celestial mechanics also anticipated the use of transforms to simplify complex dynamical systems.

Probability and Statistics: In addition to his work in celestial mechanics, Laplace made significant advances in probability theory, which later found applications in celestial mechanics, aiding in the modeling of uncertainties in celestial positions and phenomena.

In summary, Lagrange emphasized a variational approach to mechanics and stability in celestial systems, while Laplace provided comprehensive mathematical formulations and explored the implications of gravity in a celestial context, bringing calculus into the realm of celestial mechanics effectively. Together, they modernized the subject, integrating advanced mathematical techniques with traditional Newtonian concepts.

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En 1795, à 26-27 ans, il fait partie des jeunes gens qui suivent les cours de la toute nouvelle École normale de l’an III. Cette école éphémère — elle ne dure que quatre mois exactement, du 20 janvier au 19 mai 1795 — compte parmi ses instructeurs les mathématiciens Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Gaspard Monge et Pierre-Simon Laplace, ainsi que le minéralogiste René Just Haüy et le chimiste Claude-Louis Berthollet. Fourier y est rapidement sélectionné comme chargé des « conférences » (on dirait « travaux dirigés » aujourd’hui), qui remplacent les débats.

source: Wikipedia

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Joseph Fourier delivered a remarkable first lecture at the École Normale in 1797 that focused on the theme of mathematical methods applied to the theory of heat. In this lecture, Fourier introduced his groundbreaking ideas regarding heat conduction and the concept of representing functions in terms of trigonometric series, which later evolved into what we now know as Fourier series.

Fourier's work laid the foundational principles for analyzing periodic functions and transforming heat problems into mathematical ones, profoundly influencing both mathematics and physics. His approach not only addressed practical problems of heat distribution but also initiated a new era in mathematical analysis and the study of differential equations. This lecture marked a significant contribution to the advancement of mathematical physics and established Fourier as a key figure in both mathematics and engineering.
The concept of defining the coefficients of a Fourier series as integrals was first thoroughly formalized by Joseph Fourier himself. In his seminal work, "Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur" (The Analytical Theory of Heat), published in 1822, Fourier introduced the idea that any periodic function could be expressed as a sum of sine and cosine functions, and he defined the Fourier coefficients using integrals.

In particular, the coefficients are given by integrating the product of the function with the sine or cosine over a specified interval. This systematic approach allowed for a rigorous mathematical framework to analyze and represent periodic functions, which became a cornerstone of Fourier analysis and has extensive applications across various fields in science and engineering.

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Fourier Series; explain to me, in simple terms, the Dirichlet-Jordan theorem.

Sure! The Dirichlet-Jordan theorem provides conditions under which the Fourier series of a function converges. Here’s a simplified explanation:

Fourier Series: This is a way to represent a periodic function as a sum of sine and cosine functions.

Bounded Variation: A function is of bounded variation if the total amount it “wiggles” is limited. More formally, the function’s total variation over a period is finite.

The Theorem: The Dirichlet-Jordan theorem states that if a periodic function is of bounded variation, then its Fourier series converges to the function at every point where the function is continuous. At points of discontinuity, the Fourier series converges to the average of the left-hand and right-hand limits at that point.

In essence, this theorem helps ensure that the Fourier series will accurately represent the function under certain conditions, making it a crucial tool in mathematical analysis and signal processing.

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