Friday, December 6, 2024


Started work on the Max-Cut problem on a quantum computer. The tutorial

runs first on a modest problem with 5 vertices and 6 edges; later runs again on

a 125-node graph. I am currently on part 1. Interestingly, I will need to use

the quantum computer twice for each subproblem: once with Estimator and once

with Sampler. I am waiting on ibm_brisbane to process my Estimator run.

First, I had to clarify the statement of the problem for myself, which is just math

at this point. How does this formula represent a Max-Cut problem?


Graph theory; help me understand how this formula maximizes the possible number of cuts in a graph.


  • Binary Variables: xi{0,1}x_i \in \{0, 1\} for i=1,2,,ni = 1, 2, \ldots, n. Each variable xix_i represents whether a vertex ii is in one of the two sets (0 or 1).

  • Objective Function: The goal is to maximize the sum of the expression xi+xj2xixjx_i + x_j - 2x_i x_j over all edges (i,j)(i, j) in the graph.

How It Works

  1. Same Set: If both vertices ii and jj are in the same set (either both 0 or both 1), then:

    • xi=xjx_i = x_j

    • xi+xj2xixj=0x_i + x_j - 2x_i x_j = 0

    • This means no cut is made between these vertices.

  2. Different Sets: If vertices ii and jj are in different sets (one is 0 and the other is 1), then:

    • xixjx_i \neq x_j

    • xi+xj2xixj=1x_i + x_j - 2x_i x_j = 1

    • This means a cut is made between these vertices.

Maximizing the Cuts

The formula sums up the values for all edges in the graph. By maximizing this sum, the algorithm ensures that as many edges as possible are between vertices in different sets, thus maximizing the number of cuts.

                                                                          *      *     *

I got timed out for running a session too long. I was only running half the code, so I assume

the computer was waiting for the second part. Running again with the whole MaxCut mini code!!!

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