Saturday, June 22, 2013


This strikes me as a fine assessment of how to approach obesity

treatment, but I see it as very much as a road-map given by one

medical professional to another. The obese person needs help

within his unique situation; it is the applications level that needs to

be developed.

- One needs to be obsessional about eating; eating is not a mindless

pleasure-seeking activity but meals need to be taken in an ordered

fashion, shopped and planned for.

- There are choices open to one, but always within a context: it can

be cauliflower or brocoli; tuna fish or salmon; fruit salad on day and pudding

the next or vice versa. There is never a choice between a tomato sandwich

and a chocolate bar (Are you stranded on a desert island with a vending


- Diets have bad press, as something restrictive (you cannot have chocolate candy)

and punitive ( no more than 1 200 calories). Regimens are fun: It's summer eating, with all

kinds of fruit and veg that don't cost much; how am I going to apportion all that today.

- Temptation looms, it is after all Canada Day and there is free cake at the Park along with

the local b-band. Do I look like someone who needs to fill out? If I don't - and someone

is sure to tell me - then I'm leaving that cake for the bears. Better luck next year.

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