Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The O Word

Canada: self-reported weight 18+

The above bar-graph is to me quite telling. Weight gain increases
dramatically with age. I am not privy to the secrets of the gods with
respect to the most recent trend figures on obesity but I do suspect the
aging of the population plays an important role. Indeed I have seen
figures from the US to the effect that obesity in the US has been
totally stable  since at least 1999 when the numbers are age-adjusted
(except for white adolescent males and non-hispanic black females).

What might well be different is the sheer numbers of obese folks now walking the
streets and malls, as well as the tragic increase of the morbidly obese
i.e. those 100 lbs or more overweight.

Personally, I remain amazed by the stunning association of obesity with aging,
in part because everyone seems intent on ignoring how evident it is.

We hear of food addiction, food as a drug, binge eating, anorexia. These
phenomena here stand out as epi-phenomena: powerless humans loosing their grip
on eating behaviour as they start to get older. Because, aging also means one cares a 
great deal less about appearance than in one’s mating and dating years. Who gives a darn; 
pass the pretzels, please.Thus the babyboom packs a double wallop: we are a bulge in the 
population pyramid, and - apart from those who went to Vietnam - an especially long-living one.

I don’t mean to belittle all the wonderful research being done to help us manage
appearance and health; one day disfigurement by unslightly fat, bloating difficulties
from ignorance of how hydric balance works, cellulite, sag and disappearing muscle may 
all be things of the past. But obesity - devil-may-care eating - is chosen as much as endured. 
The old just like to imagine they might get away with it.

I read by accident that the body stops excreting salt once daylight is gone, because
one needs to stay hydrated during sleep. That was a useful bit of information.
Who hasn’t woken up swollen like a hot-air balloon after an evening of movies
avec high-salt snacks... à suivre.

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