Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Simply Tart!

Who cares if Montreal is an ungovernable hotbed
of corruption, and  construction workers and road crews
are on strike (within reach of their own vacation time, no less).
Today is National Cherry Tart Day down South, and
the Net gives us access to the requisite celebratory recipes.

Looking forward to tomorrow, too.


Am I being totally serious, here. Ça se discute. Indeed, the French net
has been discussing one the the Bac philosophy exam questions (social
science and economics), which came down on Monday. One is asked to
comment on a long quote from St Anselm, wherein he makes clear - I would
assume for the first time in European thought - the absolute primacy of moral absolutes.
Is it permissible to lie, if one's saves one's life in so doing. Anselm comes down
to no, the problem is ever the same. He is considered a great thinker who
shaped Scholasticism.

Yet from a current perspective, one has some information Anselm of Canterbury
doesn't. It will be recalled that he eventually left the post of archbishop of Canterbury
because he could not admit that the King had the priviledge of refusing the
authority of the pope. Anselm insisted his loyalty to the pope had to come
first. Interestingly, we have here - in the strong position of the Norman king - the
seeds of the argument that was to later lead to the Protestant character of England.
Not a simple question at all.

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