Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hangover 3

Watched Hangover 3 last night. Loved it; I didn’t laugh, I howled. «I am also
dyslexic’; funny stuff.

Why am I in the minority, here. The folks at Rotten Tomatoes canned it: 19 out of 100.
Those who did like it praised the daring foray into dark territory. WTF are they talking

Younger critics get tangled in the plot line, which seems less clean than a bachelor party
and wedding reception gone unhinged. In point of fact - and the New Yorker magazine have 
writen about this - the fact that marriage as an institution is loosing ground is an upset for literature, 
exploring since Jane Austen  people making good or bad marriages. This episode as well ends 
in a marriage and it is the glaring discrepancy between this and the cool tone of the action that 
preceeded that is jarring and ironic. This crazy act needs to be explained.

The plot line does center on Allan, off his meds. But that is the central conceit of the whole trilogy: 
Allan’s ability to say the precise contrary to what the others expect or
believe is what drives the action and rights the world. It is the language of childhood,
and he marries babyhood. The plot on his story runs backwards.

John Goodman is a wonderful old-school vilain. He could have been better served with less 
plot-explanatory lines. The Chow character is from another timeline: he gets to go
to the wedding, something of an extra Muskateer. ‘I could be a good wife to you.’ Funny!

So I loved it, down to Bradley Cooper who has the most seductive voice in media and
runs like a dancer. Even the soundtrack was sick, tunes from 2009, year of the initial installement. 
Family fun for everybody except the children.

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