Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This lovely image - an objet trouvé on the Web -  is of the underside of a bridge in Texas, obviously taken in summertime. Sometimes this kind of dreaming is more powerful than looking at beaches in the Pacific - where I am not going - but
whose feeling tone I will visit again next summer. In any event, it is the new wallpaper on my laptop.

Indeed, couldn’t even make it to Tim’s for coffee, this morning. It wasn’t brutally cold out, a modest -16 C, but windy enough to make me feel like taking chances, and running across that boulevard I have to cross perhaps prematurely. The ice is invisible, and the road maintenance unsure at this point. 

I did make a new year’s resolution this year: I am not weighing myself till February.There’s one I am going to stick with. I took a long walk last Sunday morning in that interregnum of thaw we enjoyed and remembered just how wonderful moving about 
and breathing fresh air can make one feel. Surely this is one of the mechanisms at work in the onset of the more extreme forms of obesity: the human animal, deprived of the pleasures of roaming for whatever reason, goes for the daily dose of feel-good substances from brain party food. And ends up incapacitated. 

Bottom line: no more preachy exercise for weight control. That is a  syllogism.
Mouvement is pleasure.

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