Sunday, May 17, 2015


De quoi jm'mêle!? What difference does it make whether one
considers work in model building synthetic a priori, or just modelling
the data as an empirical undertaking?There are issues of intelligibility
at work. As there are concerns with respecting the data.
Consider the following example, taken from the General
Relativity section of Einstein On-line.

Are we in a universe that has been described as an expanding loaf of
raisin bread. I, personally would not see it that way. The implication from
the above description is that there is a physical éloigenment that is happening
as twice the speeds of the other. This is false. The distance measure 
is  in light-years; so of course a doubling will result in the initially farthest
seeming to have moved more. We are considering the time of a light wave
informing A of B's  move. A bit like phone 
ordering pizza on a Saturday night: there's get-through time.

Modelling a view of the universe as we presently understand is will be tricky .
Like a computer game, maybe?

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