The great motivator for intellectual development in the 20th century was, of course, the arrival of special relativity in the world of physics at the beginning of the century. A.Einstein managed to bring together in a view of biblical simplicity two problematic strains within physics: the first, beginning with Galileo who had realized - quite rightly - that there is no privileged frame of reference for physics, no absolute rest. The second, the realization that the speed of light in a vacuum was constant, and thus invariant whether one was making measurements in a stable or moving referent.
The result - special relativity - is that space and time are convertible currencies for particles moving at high speed. And because high speed is punchier, mass is greater, laying the ground for Big Bang theories. Einstein himself extended his views to general relativity, which would describe spacet-time in terms of gravity as well. Current difficulties at integrating quantum physics to the whole result tin general relativity not being yet accepted, although it is predictable correct in tests so far.
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