Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bread Rusks

One of the great food secrets of francophone North America is the biscotte.
The German name - Zwieback - gives us a clue to what they are: twice baked
pieces of baguette, or instant toast. At 30 calories each, low fat, 2 grams of fiber
for 3, they can replace a serving of bread in a pinch. With jam for breakfast,
Nutella at night, crumbled on a salad as croutons, it is an ever useful food, with
no strong taste of its own. Not salty, so there is no temptation to eat on
like chips. Not really sweet, so one won't eat them like cereal either. They accompany
another food.

I looked for them on-line at Costco, Trader Joe's and other American giants but
couldn't find them. Pity, they are ubiquitous here, in the cracker aisle. And they do
make a difference.

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