Saturday, August 1, 2015


Rumour has it that we are on the eve of an election call, and face the prospect of an exceptionally long and expensive campaign. One up-coming issue I cringe to think about is that darn Senate, and the parochial positions the three contenders are currently holding on the matter. In point of fact, all three are holding unto a truth about the question, but for all the wrong reasons.

Mulclair is correct, the Senate should be abolished. The idea that Canada's Parliament cannot pass a law on its own, without being overseen by a benevolent upper body is from another age. But please spare us the bickering about the financial morals of elderly senators. And bringing together the elderly from all sectors dloes not force wisdom, we all know.

Justin Trudeau is right. The Senate needs younger, more varied voices, not necessarily on the party line. Here, let's dream a little further. This Senate needs a new job. I much admire the European Parliament, and found Daniel Cohn-Bendit in a suit speaking for the Environment pure genius.

Premier Harper knows best. Canada's upper body should be elected. But not to encourage an anti-French West. There are quite a few Québecois going west these days, in any event. Times change. And this formulation gets an automatic veto from Quebec politicians.

Canada is going to have to do something really creative here. I know we can.

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