Friday, July 1, 2016


To those discouraged City Of London workers,

Take the week-end, guys. Brexit will have had this good aspect:
making it possible to raise interest rates on the American dollar again,
the Fed planning going to .5% first, and .75% by Christmas.

And some people think the Leave vote actually got the assent on David
Cameron's position for him, which was a desire to control immigration.

Perso, I tend to think he had it all along; just never put in place the policies
to enforce it. But that's just me. Maybe it's actually my fault; I should have
gone to England and worked there as a consultant on EU maters, given my
fluency in French and time at Sciences Po (Robert Schuman was the Dude!).

Because two of those opaque structures of the EU: the European Council and
European Commission, are actually comprised of elected Parliamentarians of the
member states, as opposed to the European Parliament, which elects from the member

Very important to know, the EU has rules that apply to all member countries
(for ex. on dangerous chemicals), and directives where the goal is given, but the
implementation belongs to the individual state.

So the European Council is the Prime Ministers of the various members in
Council. The European Commission is actually many commissions of ministers
from member states, depending on the issue at hand. (It evolved from  post WW2
structures to deal with coal and industrial matters.)

source: Wikipedia

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