Friday, July 29, 2016

Sugar Woes

So choose your poison, ie sugar, that is. Sucrose is 50:50 fructose and glucose. High
fructose corn syrup is 55% free fructose. And fructose - the sweetness of fruit - does
not trigger insulin (and eventually leptin) production but goes immediately to fat. Thus,
it won't make you hungry, just fat.

So this is the debate about sugar sources in our foods, cereals, desserts, canned
goods, whatever. Not a pretty choice.

Of course, eating fruit is praised because it contains a smallish amount of fructose
which your body has to get at after dealing with the fiber, vitamins and so forth of
natural fruit. Still, it is not recommended to the morbidly obese trying to loose weight.

I'm gonna turn into a label-reading maniac.

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