Sunday, September 25, 2016


The Royal children are in Canada for their first royal visit; all my best to them.

This Sunday, as well, Paris is enjoying a carless day!!

I, for one, can go to Montreal for free, while St-Jean promotes public transport. Hoorah!
I plan to use this wisely, to finally make sense of the underground city. Which from the
below map, seems simple enough.

It is, in fact, devilishly difficult to navigate, especially during the week with waves of
office workers present.

But with a good map, I expect to see results.

And I have done some research...

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Next Day (Monday):

Reflecting on yesterday's outing, yes that Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte was delicious.
This drink is also offered by van Houtte and Dunkin Donut, both of whom have stands in
Place Ville-Marie. I could make a thing of it, taste test my way through for my blog.

On a more serious note, I am struck by how this proliferation of coffee, tea and pastries in the business district may be the result of a feminized work place. These are women's treats and go-tos, although they are now taken by men as well.

Bottom line, we are tempted by the not always healthy treats of both sexes.
Or rather, foods of the other sex are freely available, and one might be eating
them wrongly. Something to think about...

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