Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kanye W.

So I'm finally going to say it. Body diversity is all very nice, but it s built on a
wrong foundation.

Models are not size zero petite wonders, they are 5'10'' big girls, forced to parade
in size 4 clothes. Because that is the standard in merchandizing: the model is always
wearing size small (4). And those models are tall, to ensure that they are visible on
the catwalk. Tall, tall-er than average. The poor model spends a good deal of her
time modelling clothes she would not own, because they are size-inappropriate for her
as a private person. There is no real reason to own a dress with sleeves that barely
covers one's thighs.

I am not illustrating this fact to not embarras any working models. Voilà.

So that all this whining about too thin role-models is just silliness. As for the need
to keep in stock too short dresses for normal-height overweight women. And have
them parade on the catwalk. Que dire!? Maybe a Kanye West long coat??

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