Tuesday, December 20, 2016


So I've been living, this last week, in a bubble of pain
and worry about my right shoulder. Never had an injury in
my life, so this was all new to me.

Yesterday was a day of breakthroughs: finally got that small bottle
of pop open, managed to open a can of tuna, and split a lime. Fiesta. Thus,
my arms are working together.

Skeletal articulations are not lego elements: pieces do not lock together.
Bones are aligned and held together by tendons, and muscle groups
from the outside. One can understand the aging body, here. Things have
moved around.

But this feature also means that a sudden trauma can be painful indeed,
even without broken bones. And require adjustment and rehab. Ouch.

On maximum Tylenol at this point: tames the pain without addiction. Because
who wants to live with mild nausea...

The temperature is meant to settle around zero C all the way to Xmas.
Going to the pharmacy, been wearing urban booties, and getting my
confidence back. Need to shop for satin camisoles.

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