Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Great Show

Lyse invited me to visit the Lantern Festival exhibition at the
Botanical Gardens, where she worked last summer . Had a great time!!

The tradition of the lantern festival belongs in the Spring, the Chinese new year,
and has evolved over time. Families can go out at night again aided by lanterns;
children go into the street to solve the riddles of the lanterns...and adults let go of
old selves, and embrace renewal.

The color red is today a symbol of good luck. In the legend,  dragons - now
associated with the Emperor - were various forms of pestilence, fires, storms
and so forth an unhappy God might bring on his people.
In one variant, red lanterns and fireworks were meant to deceive the
vengeful God, who would think the city was already burning.

The lanterns have become ornate, some peeking out of the water in
animal form. The exhibits also presents  (with a witch in attendance) - decorated
pumpkins - a best of, from various schools - and these are of a remarkable variety
and inventiveness. Great show, children allowed even at night!!


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