Thursday, December 14, 2017


I have long counted myself among those who claim they are
not feminist. But then - like the ladies cited in the Nouvel Obs below -
if pressed, I'm all for equality between men and women, legally and de

My own take on it is that I will not fight on that ridge. Time and energy are
limited quantities, and mine are going somewhere else. I don't mind a female
bus driver, but it makes me nervous. Brain differences between men and women
are real. I also find male homosexual couples raising children sad... for the children.
A 'normal' family is a friendly war zone, and leaves kids with a sense of humor.
But women are expected in the work place, and there is no turning back.

Are femen an ambarassement? Only to themselves. Especially when they choose
Notre-Dame Cathedral to demonstrate. But the current struggle seems to involve
de-sexualizing the female body. Women can put up with attractive men in public places.
Men should be able to do the same with women.

#balancetonporc. Which is the French version of #metoo. Means, literally, sell out
your pig. Or speak out, name names. Unsavory stuff, the article is right on that matter.
Caught up with that  Republican candidate in Alabama. True, behaviors are political
issues right now, but I would hesitate to smear a candidate running for office.

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