Friday, December 29, 2017


So I've been asking myself: if I had a quantum computer at my
disposal - and thus the number of passes on a given set of
information no longer mattered - what could be accomplished.

One might want to solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Downloaded the following problem and worked at solving it
using the idea that some numbers are prime, and others not.
Using 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 as prime (in pink) and 4, 6, 8, 9 as non-primes
(in blue)

The scratch version:

Color coding for primes did help at first, but only went so far. One would have to switch to
looking for non-primes.

Been also thinking that blocks of three rows or three columns can move around, like
lines on matrices.

Finally, it struck me that the patterns on non-primes looked like Tetris blocks.And, they didn't

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