Monday, April 20, 2020


Nasty squabble about operating Canada's Parliament during the pandemic
currently under way. the current government has already got powers
over spending transferred to them to September. (We have  minority government).
We need to go from there.

MPs need to get that, if/ when they are in Ottawa, there is no going home
for a while.

Different Parliaments in other countries are adapting. With respect to Canada,
I like the idea that:

1 - Members of Parliament can ask questions on behalf of other MPs.
(Presumably, those staying at home for a pre-defined period). MPs
are actors, and I have every confidence in them to do this.

2 - When votes do occur, everybody votes ie some in person, some remotely.
Because it is important to know how one's MP stands on various issues.

3 - Just because someone is in Ottawa doesn't mean they have to be present
for the work of various committees. Some things just get done remotely. Period.

I used to watch Parliament on community TV when I lived in Ottawa. The coverage
is very good!!

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