Thursday, January 28, 2021


The underlying assumption to this piece seems to be

that conservatives are non city dwellers more or less out-of-touch 

with reality. And this has reached problematic proportions. Ahem, really!?

Not sure this avuncular appoach is really the most dispassionate.

One element I have noticed is how difficult to understand some

political figures are to the young given just how large the age gap

has gotten. Friend JJ below - a Canadian - is a well-respected vlogger

whom even I listen to for some insight. And the comments are great!

Did you know that Bill Clinton,George Bush jr and Donald Trump were 

all born in 1946, in a sequence of summer months. D. Trump, born in June, 

is the eldest. Long story short, they are all first-wave baby boomers...Ew....

Joe Biden, born in 1942, is even older than that: he is from the Silent 

Generation (1930 - 1945). Does that help?

Yep! Never forget your first!

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