Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 source: Le Devoir, 1:53 p.m.

author: Marco Belair-Cirino

tranlation : GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

Vaccination of Quebeckers 85 and over to begin next week

Prime Minister François Legault during a press briefing at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal.

People aged 85 and over will be vaccinated against COVID-19 starting next week, Premier François Legault announced Tuesday afternoon.

“This is very good news. […] You cannot know how pleased I am […] that we are going to move on to the population in general! ”He said in the Olympic Stadium in Montreal where one of the largest vaccination centers has been set up. “Hope is here. "

The head of government invited those eligible  to reserve by Internet ( quebec.ca/vaccincovid ) or by phone at 1-877-644-4545 starting Thursday. "People who were born after 1936, don't call, don't go on the Internet," asked Mr. Legault, fearing that the circuits would be overloaded.

“Subsequently, all will fall into place,” promised Mr. Legault.

The COVID-19 vaccine will then be offered, in order, to people aged 80 to 85, then to the 768,000  aged 70 to 79 ... and to the 1,158,000 aged 60 to 69 .

The Quebec government had not opted for the quickest route by choosing, on the advice of the Committee on Immunization of Quebec (CIQ), to first vaccinate 75% of the 40,000 residents of residential centers and long-term care (CHSLD) - which is now done - indicated the director of the vaccination campaign, Daniel Paré, in an interview with Le Devoir last December.

To date, some 200,000 of the 325,000 workers in the health and social services network have received a vaccine against COVID-19.

The vaccination team will be faced with its "real test" in the spring when containers of vaccines and Quebeckers under the age of 60, who are not among the "priority groups", flock to vaccination clinics  in all four corners of Quebec,  also mentioned Mr. Paré to Le Devoir.

Further details will follow.

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